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Havana City Cigar

Davidoff Winston Churchill Late Hour

When you first encounter the Davidoff Winston Churchill 'The Late Hour,' you're greeted by a distinct aroma that sets the stage for an exceptional smoking experience. Before the cigar is even lit, it emanates a rich scent of cedar, complemented by a subtle sweetness that intrigues the senses. The cold draw further enhances this experience, offering a harmonious blend of sweet cedar notes intertwined with a pleasant hint of leather. This initial impression promises a sophisticated and layered flavor profile to come.

Visually, 'The Late Hour' is a feast for the eyes. The cigar's design is striking, with the primary black color of the bands creating a stunning contrast against the rich brown of the cigar itself. This combination of colors, paired with the gold foil silhouette of Sir Winston Churchill, results in a look that is both elegant and commanding. The interplay of these tones creates a sophisticated aesthetic that is both modern and timeless.

The bands of 'The Late Hour' are a testament to refined design. While I have a deep appreciation for the traditional white label bands of Davidoff, the black and gold scheme of 'The Late Hour' offers a fresh, eye-catching alternative. The horizontal script of Davidoff under Churchill's head provides a clean and simple elegance, while the traditional "Geneve" and "Winston Churchill" inscriptions along the sides maintain a classic touch.

The secondary band, though relatively plain, complements the overall design perfectly. Featuring "The Late Hour" centered between horizontal gold lines, it adheres to the theme of understated sophistication. This subtle yet effective design choice ensures that the cigar's packaging remains cohesive and aligned with the high standards of Davidoff.

Overall, 'The Late Hour' not only delivers on its promise of a rich and complex smoking experience but also stands out in terms of design. The cigar’s bands are more than just decorative elements; they enhance the overall presentation and elevate the enjoyment of the smoke. In my opinion, 'The Late Hour' band surpasses its predecessors, offering a standout look that aligns beautifully with the quality of the cigar itself.

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