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man on a lounge smoking a cigar

About Us

At Havana City Cigars , we navigate the intersection of heritage and innovation, sourcing each cigar as an embodiment of artisanal expertise. This  isn't just about smoking; it' s a curated journey into the confluence of tradition and contemporary sophi s tication. In our sanctuary of sublime indulgence, where the ambiance mirrors the richnes s of our meticulously blended tobaccos , patrons are invited to partake in the symphony of flavors that defines our collection. Within the carefully designed confines of our lounge, we offer enthusiasts a space to immerse themselves in the art of s low-burning indulgence.


Havana City Cigars is more than a brand; it' s an ode to craft smanship, where the nuanced dance between classic allure and avant-garde blends elevates the very essence of cigar culture. Welcome to a world where every draw is a celebration and every moment is an experience.

Havana City Cigar Production and Partners

In the pursuit of crafting the epitome of cigar excellence, Havana City Cigars takes pride in sourcing only the crème de la crème of tobacco. From the sun-kissed fields of Cuba to the lush plantations of the Dominican Republic, we traverse the globe to select the finest leaves that form the heart and soul of our cigars . Our commitment to quality i s unwavering, and we've forged partnerships with iconic names like Cohiba, Davidoff, Macanudo Cafe, H Upmann and Romeo Y Julieta.


These esteemed collaborations and sourcing ventures with indus try giant s underscore our dedication to delivering an unparalleled cigar experience. Each puff is a testament to the meticulous craft smanship and the rich heritage that these renowned names bring to the table. At Havana City Cigars , we believe in not jus t offering cigars but curating an indulgence that pays homage to the legacy of these di s tingui shed brands . Welcome to a world where the es sence of Cohiba meet s the sophi s tication of Davidoff, and the tradition of Romeo Y Julieta — crafted exclus ively for di scerning aficionados

Whats coming in 2024

August 2024 

September 2024 

October 2024 

In the crisp embrace of winter along the Gold Coast, Havana City

Cigar is fervently preparing for a momentous season ahead. As

we approach our 1-year anniversary, our team, akin to seasoned

torcedores, meticulously crafts plans to mark this milestone with

unparalleled elegance and dedication. From selecting refined

blends to designing commemorative packaging, each detail

reflects our commitment to offering an exquisite experience

reminiscent of Havana's storied cigar tradition.

Anticipation mounts as we gear up for the Intertabac &

Intersupply convention, the premier international event in the

cigar industry. Representing the Gold Coast in Australia, we

eagerly await this global stage to showcase our latest innovations

and connect with aficionados worldwide. With Christmas on the

horizon, our preparations extend to curating exclusive gift sets

and special promotions, ensuring our customers can savor the

essence of Havana City Cigar during this festive season. Our goal

remains steadfast: to enrich every puff with the warmth,

sophistication, and unmistakable charm that defines our

commitment to exceptional cigars.

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